Sorption part III: Donnan equilibrium in compacted bentonite

Consider this basic experiment: contact a water saturated sample of compacted pure Na-montmorillonite, with dry mass 10 g and cation exchange capacity 1 meq/g, with an external solution of 100 ml 0.1 M KCl. Although such an experiment has never been reported1, I’m convinced that all agree that the outcome would be similar to what is illustrated in this animation.

Hypothetical ion equilibrium test

Potassium diffuses in, and sodium diffuses out of the sample until equilibrium is established. At equilibrium also a minor amount of chloride is found in the sample. The indicated concentration levels are chosen to correspond roughly to results from from similar type of experiments.2

Although results like these are quite unambiguous, the way they are described and modeled in the bentonite3 literature is, in my opinion, quite a mess. You may find one or several of the following terms used to describe the processes

  • Cation exchange
  • Sorption/Desorptioṇ
  • Anion exclusion
  • Accessible porosity
  • Surface complexation
  • Donnan equilibrium
  • Donnan exclusion
  • Donnan porosity/volume
  • Stern layer
  • Electric double layer
  • Diffuse double layer
  • Triple layer
  • Poisson-Boltzmann
  • Gouy-Chapman
  • Ion equilibrium

In this blog post I argue for that the primary mechanism at play is Donnan equilibrium, and that most of the above terms can be interpreted in terms of this type of equilibrium, while some of the others do not apply.

Donnan equilibrium: effect vs. model

In the bentonite literature, the term “Donnan” is quite heavily associated with the modeling of anion equilibrium; e.g. the term “Donnan exclusion” is quite common , and you may find statements that researchers use “Donnan porespace models” as models for “anion exclusion”, or a “Donnan approach” to model “anion porosity”.4 Sometimes the term “Donnan effect” is used synonymously with “Salt exclusion”. Also when authors acknowledge cations as being part of “Donnan” equilibrium, the term is still used mainly to label a model or an “approach”.

But I would like to push for that “Donnan equilibrium” primarily should be the name of an observable effect, and that it applies equally to both anions and cations. This effect — which was hypothesized by Gibbs already in the 1870s — relies basically only on two things:

  • An electrolytic system, i.e. the presence of charged aqueous species (ions).
  • The presence of a semi-permeable component that is permeable to some of the charges, but does not allow for the passage of at least one type of charge.

In equilibrated systems fulfilling these requirements it is — to use Donnan’s own words — “thermodynamically necessary” that the permeant ions distribute unequally across the semi-permeable component. This phenomenon — unequal ion distributions on the different sides of the semi-permeable component — should, in my opinion, be the central meaning of the term “Donnan equilibrium”.

The first publication of Donnan on the effect actually concerned osmotic pressure response, in systems of Congo Red separated from solutions of sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide. The same year (1911) he also published the ionic equilibrium equations for some specific systems.5 In particular he considered the equilibrium of NaCl initially separated from NaR, where R is an impermeant anion (e.g. that of Congo Red), leading to the famous relation (“int” denotes the solution containing R)

\begin{equation} c_\mathrm{Na^+}^\mathrm{ext}\cdot c_\mathrm{Cl^-}^\mathrm{ext} = c_\mathrm{Na^+}^\mathrm{int}\cdot c_\mathrm{Cl^-}^\mathrm{int} \tag{1} \end{equation}

Unfortunately, this relation alone (or relations derived from it) is often what the term “Donnan” is associated with in today’s clay research literature, with the implication that systems not obeying it are not Donnan systems. But the above relation assumes ideal conditions and complete ionization of the salts — issues Donnan persistently seems to have grappled with. In a review on the effect he writes

The exact equations can, however, be stated only in terms of the chemical potentials of Willard Gibbs, or of the ion activities or ionic activity-coefficients of G. N. Lewis. Indeed an accurate experimental study of the equilibria produced by ionically semi-permeable membranes may prove to be of value in the investigation of ionic activity coefficients.

It must therefore be understood that, if in the following pages ionic concentrations and not ionic activities are used, this is done in order to present a simple, though only approximate, statement of the fundamental relationships.

The issue of (the degree of) ionization was explicitly addressed in publications following the 1911 article; Donnan & Allmand (1914) motivated their investigations of the \(\mathrm{KCl/K_4Fe(CN)_6}\) system by that “it was deemed advisable to test the relation when using a better defined, non-dialysable anion than that of Congo-red”, and the study of the Na/K equilibrium in Donnan & Garner (1919) used ferrocyanide solutions on both sides of the membrane in an attempt to overcome the difficulty of the “uncertainty as to the manner of ionisation of potassium ferrocyanide” (and thus for the simplified equations to apply).

I mean that since non-ideality and ion association are general issues when treating salt solutions, it does not make much sense to use the term “Donnan equilibrium” only when some particular equation applies; as long as the mechanism for the observed behavior is that some charges diffuse through a semi-permeable component, while some others don’t, the effect should be termed Donnan equilibrium.

Donnan equilibrium in gels, soils and clays

After Donnan’s original publications in 1911, the effect was soon recognized in colloidal systems. Procter & Wilson (1916) used Donnan’s equations to analyze the swelling of gelatin jelly immersed in hydrochloric acid. In this case chloride is the charge compensating ion, allowed to move between the phases, while the immobile charge is positive charges on the gelatin network. Thus, no semi-permeable membrane is necessary for the effect; alternatively one could say that the gel constitutes its own semi-permeable component. The Donnan equilibrium in protein solutions was further and extensively investigated by Loeb.

As far as I am aware, Mattson was first to identify the Donnan effect in “soil” suspensions,6 attributing e.g. “negative adsorption” of chloride as a consequence of Donnan equilibrium, and explicitly referencing the works of Procter and Loeb. Mattson describes the suspension in terms of electric double layers with a diffuse “atmosphere of cations” surrounding the “micelle” (the soil particle), and refers to Donnan equilibrium as the distribution of an electrolyte between the “micellar” and the “inter-micellar” solutions. Oddly,7 he uses Donnan’s original framework (e.g. eq. 1) to quantify the equilibrium, although the electrostatic potential and the ion concentrations varies significantly in the investigated systems. A more appropriate treatment would thus be to use e.g. the Gouy-Chapman description for the ion distribution near a charged plane surface (which he refers to!).

Instead, Schofield (1947) analyzed Mattson’s data using this approach. He also comments on its (the Gouy-Chapman model) range of validity

… [T]he equation is applicable to cases in which the distance between opposing surfaces considerably exceeds the distance between neighboring point charges on the surfaces; for there will then be a range of electrolyte concentrations over which the radius of the ionic atmosphere is less than the former and greater than the latter. In Mattson’s measurements on bentonite suspension, these distances are roughly 500 A. and 10 A. respectively, so there is an ample margin.

He continues to comment on the validity of Donnan’s original equations

When the distance ratio has narrowed to unity, it is to be expected that the system will conform to the equation of the Donnan membrane equilibrium. This equation fits closely the measurements of Procter on gelatine swollen in dilute hydrochloric acid. […] In a bentonite suspension the charges are so far from being evenly distributed that the Donnan equation is not even approximately obeyed.

From these statements it should be clear that the general behavior (cation exchange, salt exclusion) of ions in bentonite equilibrated with an external solution is due to the Donnan effect.8 The appropriate theoretical treatment of this effect differs, however, depending on details of the investigated system. To argue whether or not e.g. the Gouy-Chapman description should be classified as a “Donnan” approach is purely semantic.

It is also clear that in the case of compacted bentonite the distance ratio is narrowed to unity — the typical interlayer distance is 1 nm, which also is the typical distance between structural charges in the montmorillonite particles. It is thus expected that Donnan’s original treatment may work for such systems (adjusted for non-ideality), while the Gouy-Chapman description is not valid.9

The message I am trying to convey is neatly presented in Overbeek (1956) — a text I highly recommend for further information. Overbeek distinguishes between “classical” (Donnan’s original) and “new” (accounting for variations in potential etc.) treatments of Donnan equilibrium, and says the following about dense systems

If the particles come very close together the potential drop between [surface and interlayer midpoint] becomes smaller and smaller as illustrated in Fig. 4. This means that the local concentrations of ions are not very variable and that we are again back at the classical Donnan situation, where distribution of ions, osmotic pressure and Donnan potential are simply given by the elementary equations as treated in section 2. It is remarkable that the new treatment of the Donnan effects may deviate strongly from the classical treatment when the colloid concentration is low, but not when it is high.

It thus seems plausible that Donnan equilibrium in compacted bentonite can be treated using Donnan’s original equations. But — as interlayer pores are a quite extreme chemical environment — substantial non-ideal behavior may be expected. Treating such behavior is a large challenge for chemical modeling of compacted bentonite, but can not be avoided, since interlayers dominate the pore structure.

Cation exchange is Donnan equilibration

The term “Donnan” in modern bentonite literature is, as mentioned, quite heavily associated with the fate of anions interacting with bentonite. In contrast, cations are often described as being “sorbed” onto the “solids”. This sorption is usually separated into two categories: cation exchange and surface complexation.

Surface complexation reactions are typically described using “surface sites”, and are usually written something like this (exemplified with sodium sorption)

\begin{equation} \equiv \mathrm{S^-} + \mathrm{Na^{+}(aq)} \leftrightarrow \equiv \mathrm{SNa} \end{equation}

where the “surface site” is labeled \(\equiv \mathrm{S}^-\)

Cation exchange is also typically written in terms of “sites”, but requires the exchange of ions (duh!), like this (here exemplified for calcium/sodium exchange)

\begin{equation} \mathrm{2XNa} + \mathrm{Ca^{2+}(aq)} \leftrightarrow \mathrm{X_2Ca} + 2\mathrm{Na^+(aq)} \tag{2} \end{equation}

where X represents an “exchange site” in the solid phase.

In the clay literature the distinction between “surface complexation” and “ion exchange” reactions is rather blurred. You can e.g. find statements that “the ion exchange model can be seen as a limiting case of the surface complex model…”, and it is not uncommon that ion exchange is modeled by means of a surface complexation model. It also seems rather common that ion exchange is understood to involve surface complexation.

Underlying these modeling approaches and descriptions is the (sometimes implicit) idea that exchanged ions are immobile, which clearly has motivated e.g. the traditional diffusion-sorption model for bentonite and claystone. This model assumes that ion exchange binds cations to the solid, making them immobile, while diffusion occurs solely in a bulk water phase (which, incredibly, is assumed to fill the entire pore volume).

However, the idea that the exchanged ion is immobile does not agree with descriptions in the more general ion exchange literature, which instead acknowledge the process as an aspect of the Donnan effect.

Indeed, already in 1919, Donnan & Garner reported Na/K exchange equilibrium in a system consisting of two ferrocyanide solutions separated by a membrane impermeable to ferrocyanide, and it is fully clear that the particular distribution of cations in such systems is just as “thermodynamically necessary” as the distribution of chloride in the initial work on Congo Red and ferrocyanide.

Applied to clays, it is clear that cation exchange occurs even without postulating specific “sorption sites” or immobilization. On the contrary, ion exchange occurs in Donnan systems precisely because the ions are mobile.

In his book “Ion exchange”,10 Freidrich Helfferich describes ion exchange as diffusion, and distinguishes it from “chemical” processes

Occasionally, ion exchange has been referred to as a “chemical” process, in contrast to adsorption as a “physical” process. This distinction, though plausible at first glance, is misleading. Usually, in ion exchange as a redistribution of ions by diffusion, chemical factors are less significant than in adsorption where the solute is held by the sorbent by forces which may not be purely electrostatic.

Furthermore, in describing a general ion exchange system, he states the exact characteristics of a Donnan system, with the crucial point that the exchangeable ion is “free”, albeit subject to the constraint of electroneutrality

Ion exchangers owe their characteristic properties to a peculiar feature of their structure. They consist of a framework which is held together by chemical bonds or lattice energy. This framework carries a positive or negative electric surplus charge which is compensated by ions of opposite sign, the so-called counter ions. The counter ions are free to move within the framework and can be replaced by other ions of the same sign. The framework of a cation exchanger may be regarded as a macromolecular or crystalline polyanion, that of an anion exchanger as a polycation.

To give a very simple picture, the ion exchanger may be compared to a sponge with counter ions floating in the pores. When the sponge is immersed in a solution, the counter ions can leave the pores and float out. However, electroneutrality must be preserved, i.e., the electric surplus charge of the sponge must be compensated at any time by a stoichiometrically equivalent number of counter ions within the pores. Hence a counter ion can leave the sponge only when, simultaneously, another counter ion enters and takes over the task of contributing its share to the compensation of the framework charge.

With this “sponge” model at hand, he argues for that the reaction presented in eq. 2 above should be reformulated

[T]he model shows that ion exchange is essentially a statistical redistribution of counter ions between the pore liquid and the external solution, a process in which neither the framework nor the co-ions take part. Therefore Eqs. (1-1) [eq. 2 above] and (1-2) should be rewritten: \begin{equation} 2\overline{\mathrm{Na^+}} + \mathrm{Ca^{2+}} \leftrightarrow \overline{\mathrm{Ca^{2+}}} + 2\mathrm{Na^{+}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} 2\overline{\mathrm{Cl^-}} + \mathrm{SO_4^{2+}} \leftrightarrow \overline{\mathrm{SO_4^{2-}}} + 2\mathrm{Cl^{-}} \end{equation} Quantities with bars refer to the inside of the ion exchanger.

This “statistical redistribution” is of course nothing but the establishment of Donnan equilibrium between the external solution and the exchanger phase (as in the animation above). Naturally, Donnan equilibrium — using either the “classical” or the “new” equations — is at the heart of many analyses of ion exchange systems.

Unfortunately, this has not been the tradition in the compacted bentonite research field, where a “diffuse layer” approach to cation exchange has only been considered in more recent years, and then usually as a supplement to already existing models and tools. We are therefore in the rather uneasy situation that ion exchange in bentonite nowadays often is explained in terms of both a Donnan effect and as specific surface complexation.

Considering the robust evidence for significant ion mobility in interlayer pores, I strongly doubt surface complexation to be relevant for describing ion exchange in bentonite.11 Instead, I believe that not separating these processes obscures the analysis of species that actually do sorb in these systems. In any event, the exact effects of Donnan equilibrium — a mechanism dependent on nothing but that some charges diffuses through the semi-permeable component, while some others don’t — must first and foremost be worked out.

A demonstration of compacted bentonite as a Donnan system

To demonstrate how well the Donnan effect in compacted bentonite is captured by Donnan’s original description, we use the following relation, derived from eq. 1 (i.e we assume only the presence of a 1:1 salt, apart from the impermeable component)

\begin{equation} \frac{c_\mathrm{Cl^-}^\mathrm{int}}{c_\mathrm{Cl^-}^\mathrm{ext}} = -\frac{1}{2}\frac{z}{c_\mathrm{Cl^-}^\mathrm{ext}} + \sqrt{\frac{1}{4} (\frac{z}{c_\mathrm{Cl^-}^\mathrm{ext}})^2+1} \tag{3} \end{equation}

Here \(z\) denotes the concentration of cations compensating impermeable charge. Eq. 3 quantifies anion exclusion, and is seen to depend only on the ratio \(c_\mathrm{Cl^-}^\mathrm{ext}/z\).

This equation is plotted in the diagram below, together with data of chloride exclusion in sodium dominated bentonite (Van Loon et al., 2007) and in potassium ferrocyanide (Donnan & Allmand, 1914)

Anion exclusion in bentonite and ferrocyanide compared with Donnan's ideal formula

I find this plot amazing. Although some points refer to bentonite at density 1900 \(\mathrm{kg/m^3}\) (corresponding to \(z \approx 5\) M), while others refer to a solution of approximately 25 mM \(\mathrm{K_4Fe(CN)_6}\) (\(z \approx 0.1\) M), the anion exclusion behavior is basically identical! Moreover, it fits the ideal “Donnan model” (eq. 3) quite well!

There is of course a lot more to be said about the detailed behavior of these systems, but I think a few things stand out:

  • It should be obvious that the basic mechanism for anion exclusion is the same in these two systems. This observed similarity thus invalidates the idea that anion exclusion in compacted bentonite is due to an intricate, ionic strength-dependent partitioning of a complex pore structure into parts which either are, or are not, accessible to chloride. In other words, the above plot is another demonstration that the concept of “accessible anion porosity” is nonsense.
  • The similarity between compacted bentonite and the simpler ferrocyanide system confirms Overbeek’s statement above, that Donnan’s “elementary” equations apply when the colloid concentration (i.e. density) is high enough.
  • The slope of the curve at small external concentrations directly reflects the amount of exchangeable cations that contributes to the Donnan effect. The similarity between model and experimental data thus confirms that the major part of the cations are mobile, i.e. not adsorbed by surface complexation. The similarity between the bentonite system and the ferrocyanide system also suggests that non-ideal corrections to the theory is better dealt with by means of e.g. activity coefficients, rather than by singling out a quite different mechanism (surface complexation) in one of the systems.


[1] The only equilibrium study of this kind I am aware of, that involves compacted, purified, homo-ionic clay, is Karnland et al. (2011). This study concerns Na/Ca exchange, and does not investigate the associated chloride equilibrium.

[2] I have assumed a K/Na selectivity coefficient of 2, and 95% salt exclusion.

[3] “Bentonite” is used in the following as an abbreviation for bentonite and claystone, or any clay system with significant cation exchange capacity.

[4] This particular publication states that I am one of the researchers using a “Donnan approach” to model “anion porosity”. Let me state for the record that I never have modeled “anion porosity”, or have any intentions to do so.

[5] This article has an English translation.

[6] In my head, a “soil suspension” and a “soil particle” are not very well defined entities. As I understand, Mattson investigated “Sharkey soil” and “Bentonite”. Sharkey soil is reported to have a cation exchange capacity of around 0.3 eq/kg, and the bentonite appear to be of “Wyoming” type. It is thus reasonably clear that Mattson’s “soil” particles are montmorillonite particles.

[7] Mattson and co-workers published a whole series of papers on “The laws of soil colloidal behavior” during the course of over 15 years, and appear to have caused both awe and confusion in the soil science community. I find it a bit amusing that there is a published paper (Kelley, 1943) which in turn reviews and comments on Mattson’s papers. Some statements in this paper include: “It seems to be generally agreed that some of [Mattsons papers] are difficult to understand.” and “The extensive use by [Mattson and co-workers] of terms either coined by them or used in new settings, the frequent contradictions of statement and inconsistencies in definition, and perhaps most important of all, the use by the authors of theoretical reasoning founded, not on experimentally determined data, but on calculations based on purely hypothetical premises, make it difficult to condense these papers into a form suitable for publication without doing injustice to the authors or sacrificing strict accuracy.

[8] It may be worth noting that the only works referenced by Schofield — apart from a paper on dye adsorption — are Mattson, Procter and Donnan. Remarkably, Gouy is not referenced!

[9] Of course, one can instead solve the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for “overlapping” double layers.

[10] In its introduction is found the following gem: “A spectacular evolution began in 1935 with the discovery by two English chemists, Adams and Holmes, that crushed phonograph records exhibit ion-exchange properties.” Who wouldn’t want to hear more of that story?!

[11] As a further argument for that the concept of immobile exchangeable ions in bentonite is flawed, one can take a look at the spread in reported values for the fraction of such ions. You can basically find any value between \(>99\%\) and \(\sim 0\%\) for the same type of systems. To me, this indicates overparameterization rather than physical significance.

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