Monthly Archives: February 2021

Sorption part II: Letting go of the bulk water

Disclaimer: The following discussion applies fully to ions that only interact with bentonite by means of being part of an electric double layer. Here such ions are called “simple” ions. Species with more specific chemical interactions will be discussed in separate blog posts.

The “surface diffusion” model is not suitable for compacted bentonite

In the previous post on sorption1 we derived a correct “surface diffusion” model. The equation describing the concentration evolution in such a model is a real Fick’s second law, meaning that it only contains the actual diffusion coefficient (apart from the concentration itself)

\frac{\partial c}{\partial t} = D_\mathrm{sd} \cdot\nabla^2 c \tag{1}

Note that \(c\) in this equation still denotes the concentration in the presumed bulk water,2 while \(D_\mathrm{sd}\) relates to the mobility, on the macroscopic scale, of a diffusing species in a system consisting of both bulk water and surfaces.3

Conceptually, eq. 1 states that there is no sorption in a surface diffusion model, in the sense that species do not get immobilized. Still, the concept of sorption is frequently used in the context of surface diffusion, giving rise to phrases such as “How Mobile Are Sorbed Cations in Clays and Clay Rocks?”. The term “sorption” has evidently shifted from referring to an immobilization process, to only mean the uptake of species from a bulk water domain to some other domain (where the species may or may not be mobile). In turn, the role of the parameter \(K_d\) is completely shifted: in the traditional model it quantifies retardation of the diffusive flux, while in a surface diffusion model it quantifies enhancement of the flux (in a certain sense).

A correct4 surface diffusion model resolves several of the inconsistencies experienced when applying the traditional diffusion-sorption model to cation diffusion in bentonite. In particular, the parameter referred to as \(D_e\) may grow indefinitely without violating physics (because it is no longer a real diffusion coefficient), and the insensitivity of \(D_\mathrm{sd}\) to \(K_d\) may be understood because \(D_\mathrm{sd}\) is the real diffusion coefficient (it is not an “apparent” diffusivity, which is expected to be influenced by a varying amount of immobilization).

Still, a surface diffusion model is not a very satisfying description of bentonite, because it assumes the entire pore volume to be bulk water. To me, it seems absurd to base a bentonite model on bulk water, as the most characteristic phenomenon in this material — swelling — relies on it not being in equilibrium with a bulk water solution (at the same pressure). It is also understood that the “surfaces” in a surface diffusion model correspond to montmorillonite interlayer spaces — here defined as the regions where the exchangeable ions reside5 — which are known to dominate the pore volume in any relevant system.

Indeed, assuming that diffusion occurs both in bulk water and on surfaces, it is expected that \(D_\mathrm{sd}\) actually should vary significantly with background concentration, because a diffusing ion is then assumed to spend considerably different times in the two domains, depending on the value of \(K_d\).6

Using the sodium diffusion data from Tachi and Yotsuji (2014) as an example, \(\rho\cdot K_d\) varies from \(\sim 70\) to \(\sim 1\), when the background concentration (NaCl) is varied from 0.01 M to 0.5 M (at constant dry density \(\rho=800\;\mathrm{kg/m^3}\)). Interpreting this in terms of a surface diffusion model, a tracer is supposed to spend about 1% of the time in the bulk water phase when the background concentration is 0.01 M, and about 41% of the time there when the background concentration is 0.5 M7. But the evaluated values of \(D_\mathrm{sd}\) (referred to as “\(D_a\)” in Tachi and Yotsuji (2014)) show a variation less than a factor 2 over the same background concentration range.

Insignificant dependence of \(D_\mathrm{sd}\) on background concentration is found generally in the literature data, as seen here (data sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Diffusion coefficients as a function of background concentration for Sr, Cs, and Na.

These plots show the deviation from the average of the macroscopically observed diffusion coefficients (\(D_\mathrm{macr.}\)). These diffusion coefficients are most often reported and interpreted as “\(D_a\)”, but it should be clear from the above discussion that they equally well can be interpreted as \(D_\mathrm{sd}\). The plots thus show the variation of \(D_\mathrm{sd}\), in test series where \(D_\mathrm{sd}\) (reported as “\(D_a\)”) has been evaluated as a function of background concentration.8 The variation is seen to be small in all cases, and the data show no systematic dependencies on e.g. type of ion or density (i.e., at this level of accuracy, the variation is to be regarded as scatter).

The fact that \(D_\mathrm{sd}\) basically is independent of background concentration strongly suggests that diffusion only occurs in a single domain, which by necessity must be interlayer pores. This conclusion is also fully in line with the basic observation that interlayer pores dominate in any relevant system.

Diffusion in the homogeneous mixture model

A more conceptually satisfying basis for describing compacted bentonite is thus a model that assigns all pore volume to the surface regions and discards the bulk water domain. I call this the homogeneous mixture model. In its simplest version, diffusive fluxes in the homogeneous mixture model is described by the familiar Fickian expression

\begin{equation} j = -\phi\cdot D_c \cdot \nabla c^\mathrm{int} \tag{2} \end{equation}

where the concentration of the species under consideration, \(c^\mathrm{int}\), is indexed with an “int”, to remind us that it refers to the concentration in interlayer pores. The corresponding diffusion coefficient is labeled \(D_c\). Notice that \(c^\mathrm{int}\) and \(D_c\) refer to macroscopic, averaged quantities; consequently, \(D_c\) should be associated with the empirical quantity \(D_\mathrm{macr.}\) (i.e. what we interpreted as \(D_\mathrm{sd}\) in the previous section, and what many unfortunately interpret as \(D_a\)) — \(D_c\) is not the short scale diffusivity within an interlayer.

For species that only “interact” with the bentonite by means of being part of an electric double layer (“simple” ions), diffusion is the only process that alters concentration, and the continuity equation has the simplest possible form

\begin{equation} \frac{\partial n}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot j = 0 \end{equation}

Here \(n\) is the total amount of diffusing species per volume porous system, i.e. \(n = \phi c^\mathrm{int}\). Inserting the expression for the flux in the continuity equation we get

\begin{equation} \frac{\partial c^\mathrm{int}}{\partial t} = D_c \cdot \nabla^2 c^\mathrm{int} \tag{3} \end{equation}

Eqs. 2 and 3 describe diffusion, at the Fickian level, in the homogeneous mixture model for “simple” ions. They are identical in form to the Fickian description in a conventional porous system; the only “exotic” aspect of the present description is that it applies to interlayer concentrations (\(c^\mathrm{int}\)), and more work is needed in order to apply it to cases involving external solutions.

But for isolated systems, e.g. closed-cell diffusion tests, eq. 3 can be applied directly. It is also clear that it will reproduce the results of such tests, as the concentration evolution is known to obey an equation of this form (Fick’s second law).

Model comparison

We have now considered three different models — the traditional diffusion-sorption model, the (correct) surface diffusion model, and the homogeneous mixture model — which all can be fitted to closed-cell diffusion data, as exemplified here

three models fitted to diffusion data for Sr from Sato et al. (92)

The experimental data in this plot (from Sato et al. (1992)) represent the typical behavior of simple ions in compacted bentonite. The plot shows the resulting concentration profile in a Na-montmorillonite sample of density 600 \(\mathrm{kg/m^3}\), where an initial planar source of strontium, embedded in the middle of the sample, has diffused for 7 days. Also plotted are the identical results from fitting the three models to the data (the diffusion coefficient and the concentration at 0 mm were used as fitting parameters in all three models).

From the successful fitting of all the models it is clear that bentonite diffusion data alone does not provide much information for discriminating between concepts — any model which provides a governing equation of the form of Fick’s second law will fit the data. Instead, let us describe what a successful fit of each model implies conceptually

  • The traditional diffusion-sorption model

    The entire pore volume is filled with bulk water, in contradiction with the observation that bentonite is dominated by interlayer pores. In the bulk water strontium diffuse at an unphysically high rate. The evolution of the total ion concentration is retarded because most ions sorb onto surface regions (which have zero volume) where they become immobilized.

  • The “surface diffusion” model

    The entire pore volume is filled with bulk water, in contradiction with the observation that bentonite is dominated by interlayer pores. In the bulk water strontium diffuse at a reasonable rate. Most of the strontium, however, is distributed in the surface regions (which have zero volume), where it also diffuse. The overall diffusivity is a complex function of the diffusivities in each separate domain (bulk and surface), and of how the ion distributes between these domains.

  • The homogeneous mixture model

    The entire pore volume consists of interlayers, in line with the observation that bentonite is dominated by such pores. In the interlayers strontium diffuse at a reasonable rate.

From these descriptions it should be obvious that the homogeneous mixture model is the more reasonable one — it is both compatible with simple observations of the pore structure and mathematically considerably less complex as compared with the others.

The following table summarizes the mathematical complexity of the models (\(D_p\), \(D_s\) and \(D_c\) denote single domain diffusivities, \(\rho\) is dry density, and \(\phi\) porosity)

Summary models

Note that the simplicity of the homogeneous mixture model is achieved by disregarding any bulk water phase: only with bulk water absent is it possible to describe experimental data as pure diffusion in a single domain. This process — pure diffusion in a single domain — is also suggested by the observed insensitivity of diffusivity to background concentration.

These results imply that “sorption” is not a valid concept for simple cations in compacted bentonite, regardless of whether this is supposed to be an immobilization mechanism, or if it is supposed to be a mechanism for uptake of ions from a bulk water to a surface domain. For these types of ions, closed-cell tests measure real (not “apparent”) diffusion coefficients, which should be interpreted as interlayer pore diffusivities (\(D_c\)).


[1] Well, the subject was rather on “sorption” (with quotes), the point being that “sorbed” ions are not immobilized.

[2] Eq. 1 can be transformed to an equation for the “total” concentration by multiplying both sides by \(\left (\phi + \rho\cdot K_d\right)\).

[3] Unfortunately, I called this quantity \(D_\mathrm{macr.}\) in the previous post. As I here compare several different diffusion models, it is important to separate between model parameters and empirical parameters, and the diffusion coefficient in the “surface diffusion” model will henceforth be called \(D_\mathrm{sd}\). \(D_\mathrm{macr.}\) is used to label the empirically observed diffusion parameter. Since the “surface diffusion” model can be successfully fitted to experimental diffusion data, the value of the two parameters will, in the end, be the same. This doesn’t mean that the distinction between the parameters is unimportant. On the contrary, failing to separate between \(D_\mathrm{macr.}\) and the model parameter \(D_\mathrm{a}\) has led large parts of the bentonite research community to assume \(D_\mathrm{a}\) is a measured quantity.

[4] It might seem silly to point out that the model should be “correct”, but the model which actually is referred to as the surface diffusion model in the literature is incorrect, because it assumes that diffusive fluxes in different domains can be added.

[5] There is a common alternative, implicit, and absurd definition of interlayer, based on the stack view, which I intend to discuss in a future blog post. Update (220906): This interlayer definition and stacks are discussed here.

[6] Note that, although \(D_\mathrm{sd}\) is not given simply by a weighted sum of individual domain diffusivities in the surface diffusion model, it is some crazy function of the ion mobilities in the two domains.

[7] With this interpretation, the fraction of bulk water ions is given by \(\frac{\phi}{\phi+\rho K_d}\).

[8] The plot may give the impression that such data is vast, but these are basically all studies found in the bentonite literature, where background concentration has been varied systematically. Several of these use “raw” bentonite (“MX-80”), which contains soluble minerals. Therefore, unless this complication is identified and dealt with (which it isn’t), the background concentration may not reflect the internal chemistry of the samples, i.e. the sample and the external solution may not be in full chemical equilibrium. Also, a majority of the studies concern through-diffusion, where filters are known to interfere at low ionic strength, and consequently increase the uncertainty of the evaluated parameters. The “optimal” tests for investigating the behavior of \(D_\mathrm{macr.}\) with varying background concentrations are closed-cell tests on purified montmorillonite. There are only two such tests reported (Kozaki et al. (2008) and Tachi and Yotsuji (2014)), and both are performed on quite low density samples.